

英漢字典: at sea

1. on the open sea在海上

    The ship spent 40 days at sea. 這條船在海上航行了40天。

2. lost in mind; not understanding;puzzled;not knowing what to do茫然;迷惑;不知所措

    You are still all at sea. He is an outandout scoundrel. 你還蒙在鼓裡,他是一個十足的流氓。

    The job was new to him, and for a few days he was all at sea. 他剛開始幹這活,有好幾天他都糊裡糊塗的。

    He is quite at sea as to what measures should be taken to settle the problem. 他全然不知該採取什麼措施來解決這個問題。

    She was quite at sea in regard to that matter. 說到那件事,她實在茫然。

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